EUPALT is a LLL (Lifelong Learning) project funded by the European Union. The main project contents is the development of a "European Passport" for the Education of Therapists/Teachers Working with People with Dyslexia.
By linking the existing EDA-frame to EQF-related learning outcomes and by transferring a curriculum assessment tool into the field of dyslexia, the quality, transparency and comparability of the training programs for persons with dyslexia are increased. The aim is reached by learning outcome oriented curriculum transfer based on an already existing curriculum frame of the EDA and the possibility of a matching process between this learning outcome oriented framework (with focus on EQF) and individual or institutional portfolios.
A fundmanetal part of this project is done by InfoSoc, which is the implementation and dissemination of special IT tools, for example an Online Resource Pool for multimedia training materials, an Online-Learning system and an "Online Assessment Instrument Map", a working tool, which allows, in a simple way, self assessment of an individual training portfolio compared to a referrence curriculum.
Project coordinator: VINCO, Kapfenberg
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