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EU-Project Let's Try ICT started. (1.12.2015)

InfoSoc is partner in a new EU Project named Let's Try ICT

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EU-Project Early Inclusion started. (1.11.2015)

InfoSoc is partner in a new EU Project named Early Inclusion

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EU-Projekt ICFCY-MedUse started.(1.10.2015)

InfoSoc is partner in a new EU Project named ICFCY-MedUse

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EU Project ICF-Train started (1.11.2012)

InfoSoc is partner in a new EU Project named ICF-Train

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EU Project ECI2.0 started (1.12.2011)

InfoSoc is partner in a new EU Project named ECI2.0

European Competence Initiative - Early Childhood Intervention (ECI2.0) is a "Transfer of Innovation" Project within the EU Lifelong Learning Programme targeting vocational education and training (VET) in the area of early childhood intervention professionals, funded by the European Union through the Turkish National Agency for Lifelong Learning.

More Info on EIC2.0

EU Project EUPALT started (1.10.2011)

InfoSoc is partner in a new EU Project named EUPALT

EUPALT is a LLL (Lifelong Learning) project funded by the European Union. The main project contents is the development of a "European Passport" for the Education of Therapists/Teachers Working with People with Dyslexia.

More Info on EUPALT

Online-"Articipation" Projects OnArt2.0 and Guerilla-Gardening2.0 (1.5.2011)

Under and you find the online art application OnArt2.0, which enables online participation in a message broadcast, which can e.g. be publishes by a video-beamer.

(Accompanying measure for the project "On the road" by art association OnArt)

Under you find an interactive online documentation of the participation art project "Guerilla Gardening" of OnArt. Hereby you can document and make visible successful "seed bombings", additionally the whole action is documented by Webcam!